Each member of the Staiger Consulting Group team has his or her own skill sets and talents in the field. Our entire team will work with you and do our best to match our skills based on your needs. In addition, we are willing to learn the specifics that pertain to each organization and work to provide the services requested as well as offer suggestions for improvement and collaboration to enhance current practices. We specialize in independent contractor arrangements which affords us broad and diverse experiences and professional responsibilities.

Stacy (Staiger) Krumwiede MBA
Stacy has been a part of The Staiger Consulting Group since 2006. Her education includes an undergraduate degree in Marketing and Master of Business Administration from Florida Gulf Coast University. Her primary roles include providing executive director services to a variety of clients and ensuring that projects and short and long-term initiatives align with the organization’s culture. This includes a strong commitment to communication, project management, and collaborating with boards to reach strategic goals. In addition, she oversees day-to-day activities like financial reporting, website coordination, listserv and database management, licensing & renewals, marketing, and meeting & convention planning. In addition, she provides government advocacy services and related functions of government relations. Stacy is married to Mike and is a mom of three boys. She enjoys spending time at the lake with friends and family, exercising, kayaking, and practicing meditation.